Okay People, most of you know that I have already seen Twilight. That I was at the 12:20am show at the Bella Terra on Thursday Night/Friday Morning. First of all, Mom and I get there at about 9pm. I'm wearing my "Bite Me" shirt with an image of red lips and fangs. 

Huntington Beach:Oh my gosh! It is a bloody madhouse! There are so many people all over the place that you couldn't tell where one line began or it ended. It took us about 10 minutes to finally find the end of the line for 12:20. Wanna know how we found it? The Manager. He was walking by us when my Mom told him our situation. That situation being: I'd followed the line from where 12:20 started and asked people what time they were waiting for. One section said the 12:20, then a couple people down, it turned into 12:10, then 12:01. WTF? So, the manager personally walked us to the end of the line, which he had a time finding too. Not as bad as we did, but then again nothing made sense. Turns out what was happening, so many people were sitting down that the lines were merging. You couldn't tell what line was what. So as we're looking to get into line, the security guards were making everyone stand up and line up since it was a fire hazard. It so was (and reminded me of the Comic Con) a fire hazard. You could barely walk!
So, after waiting from 9pm to 12am (3 hours); the "curtains" finally went up. The first trailer for the movie was Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. Now, the first quarter or even first half of the trailer, you couldn't even HEAR what they were saying, there was so many people, ahem, teenagers yelling! Great I thought to myself...hopefully this is not a preview of what our movie will be like. My favorite movie trailer besides HP6 was Confessions of a Shopaholic. I've been a Sophia Kinsella fan for years and am SO X-Cited her book is finally seeing the screen. I hope it makes it to Shopaholic and Sister and Shopaholic and Baby, those two were amazingly funny! Luckily the screaming wasn't as bad as the HP trailer, and was almost comical to hear everyone "shhhhhh"ing people. They did scream when Edward made his appearance though, which was to be expected. Anyway, I digress. This is after all supposed to be about Twilight. SO, I will have my first section be for those who haven't seen it, and the rest will be a breakdown of what I thought about certain scenes, etc. SO I'll have a spoiler warning before I write it.
On the whole, I really adored this movie. We all know that books and movies can never share the exact same feelings nor keep to the book exactly. Some good movies that have kept close to the book is Harry Potter 1 and even 2. The third and after seemed to REALLY deviate from the book, but then again those were longer than the first books, and they really tried I think to make it enjoyable, so I'm okay with that. I've learned long ago to detach myself from book to movie in order to enjoy the movie on it's own. Twilight is a 512 page book. On Audio it is 11 discs, roughly about 13-15 hours. There is no way they'll be able to get all the book in the movie. And honestly, they have to try and make the movie appealing to the non-Twilight audience...although that may be a smaller crowd than not! :) Me personally, as much as I love the book and everything in it, I like the movie to be slightly different - give it a fresh take but still hold true to the story, the characters, and the critical moments. I feel that this movie did that. Each actor did an outstanding job portraying their characters. You got the whole feeling of awkwardness that the two main character's relationship was about.
The Cullens were dead on. I thought the Native Americans were represented well. I was one that purchased the Twilight soundtrack and was pleasantly surprised to hear all the songs (or at least most of them) playing during the movie. It helps me now to remember which scene was which by the music. My favorite songs stick out in my mind, but I won't spoil those for you here. Cons: I think out of everything, my biggest problem was the director's style. There were some shots that I thought the camera was either too close, or the movement was off. For example, some shots seemed to throw off the moment because of the positioning, and at one point I could swear I saw the shadow of the cameraman/woman on the actor. So my hope is the director of photography or the director, whoever was in charge of that, learns and makes sure it moves more smoothly in the next films. That however, was not enough to make me not like the movie. Bella's Lullaby. I read a review by: Saffron Starlet(http://www.aintitcool.com/node/39154) and one thing mentioned that I agree with is the part about Bella's Lullaby. It is such an important thing that was one of the crucial moments that I remember carrying over into New Moon, yet didn't get much attention in the movie. But at least it was still apart of the story.
All in all, the story was intact, the characters brilliant, the feel of the movie was there. Although you don't connect with Bella the same way you do in the book, since you kind of ARE her, it still holds true to her and what she went through. You can count on me seeing this one again and it's a MUST BUY on DVD. SPOILER ALERT!! SPOILER ALERT!! If you haven't seen the movie yet (shame on you unless you are seeing it soon). Stop reading if you don't want to know.
(below "ticket" is the Spoiler Parts)
Okay, now My favorite Scenes and Reviews!!!:
Baseball Game. I loved it! This is one point where I really liked the directing style. I thought every shot got me excited. Could have done with maybe MORE thunder, but otherwise it was great! Really wish I could be there watching. My favorite Player was Alice. As she was pitching, you were just mesmerized. Maybe it's seeing a Female Pitch like no Man ever could. Even though they deviated from the book with the introduction of the Nomads, I was still just excited. Found myself holding my breath in anticipation of what happens next. Was really glad to see Edward there ready to kill, but unhappy that they didn't emphasize on his snarling, I really wanted to hear him snarl. For those of you who like the Music, Supermassive Black Hole by Muse is played at this scene. Lovin it!!!
Meet the Cullens. Yes, it was different from the book since in this scene they were preparing human food for Bella. Who'd already eaten since she knew they don't eat food which also wasn't part of the original meeting of the Cullens. However, the welcoming feeling I got from that was enchanting. Then Rosalie goes and breaks the bowl. Just classic. I think if Stephenie could be proud of any addition in the movie, it would be that.
Diamond Edward. I have to say, I was disappointed when he first stood in the sunlight. I couldn't see very much of him sparkling. The second time he was shown laying in the meadow represented it much better. However, I also was disappointed in the fact that he was "ashamed" of how he looked in the sun. But after thinking about it, in the book we are from Bella's point of view and she thinks he's completely beautiful in every way. He on the other hand doesn't think so. And I thought that we got a better view of how Edward looked from the outside rather than from Bella's lovestruck point of view. So I have to say Kudo's to the movie makers. I'd just like to know Stephenie's point of view on that. I for one did not read the illegal copy of the drafted book of Midnight Sun so I still only know from Bella's point of view, and the one chapter of Midnight Sun that Stephenie released. Otherwise, aside from the first shot of him in the Sun, I thought it was AWESOME seeing Diamond Edward.
Edward Vs. James: I admit, I was worried on this scene only because from the book's point of view, Bella was unconscious/in pain to most of what happened once Edward got there to save her. Yet, I thought this scene was done perfectly. The terror you feel for Bella is there. James's sadistic torturing can only get pain responses from Bella and never once does she falter in her position not to have Edward ruin his life avenging her, even after the horrendous leg breaking. Which is how I felt while in the book, scared for her. She's so noble about Edward it just shows me that she's truly in love with him, not just an infatuation. Then, I was ready to cheer when the family got there and took over the disposal of James. I was afraid they would have Edward kill James in this movie which would have been, to me, the total opposite of what that scene was about. Then, the ever very perfect, Alice, just kicked ass! Totally loved her action towards James. Lastly, we have the hospital with Edward pretending to sleep, just classic. Oh but I loved all of it!
Least favorite: The Diner. For some reason, they added all that extra screen time with Bella and her father. Now, don't get me wrong, I like Charley. And I like their relationship. But I think the killing of Charley's longtime friend wasn't something that needed to be in the movie. To me Charley is a very caring person, and regardless of how long he'd knows someone doesn't really matter to me as part of the story. I also thought it was unnecessary to show the Nomad's killing humans. We know enough about vampires, even through Edwards disgust at the monster inside him, to not need the extra time on the Nomads. Their time is the end and that's where I think it shoulda stayed. Anyway, back to Charley. We get to know Charley through Bella which is mostly at home, and rather than eat at a diner, I would have liked to show her cooking more for Charley since that is when they normally conversed. Also, to me, Charley's friend Harry should have been more prominent in the story rather than an unknown character that dies. Maybe this all was necessary to show that he is protective of his daughter even though up to this time they haven't spent a lot of time together. But I think the same could have been accomplished in the house. (Oh, but I did love the pepper spray theme) So that is my Review. I may add more posts later on, and edit what I come up with after more pondering of this wonderful movie. Thank you Stephenie Meyer for giving us Twilight.
Another Problem: I also realized another crucial part(s) that was missing from the movie. Background of the Cullens. They touched upon them but didn't specifically address them. Maybe they're saving that for the next movie? I don't know. But most of all, ALICE! She was a major part of James psychotic tracking mind, the one that got away! Why couldn't that be mentioned? So...I guess maybe if they're smart, they'll add more backgrounds in the second..but who know.
So there you have it. I actually just today, this Sunday, I finished listening to Twilight on CD. I was up to The Hunt when I went to the movies. And I tell you, it just amazes me how awesome that book it. And Damn Ebert and Roper or whoever the hell on that show gives things a thumbs down. Although, maybe not, since about 95% of the movies they give thumbs up too, ususally end up being utter crap, so the thumbs down is actually a compliment.