Okay, so I wasn't really off when I made my last blog. They did change a lot of things. They also lied about the content-
(preheat oven to 400degrees)
1/2c idea from Confessions of a Shopaholic
3/4c idea Shopaholic Takes Manhattan
4Tbls idea Shopaholic Ties the Knot
1 gallon of crap from Hollywood
1 160z package of talented actors)
Mix all ingredients well, be sure to get all the lumps out. After all, we don't want much to be left of the books in the movie, but we want to be sure readers will see it based on the fact that the characters are there.
Bake for 1 hour, 52 minutes, serve and try to enjoy.
Okay, so as you can probably tell, I was VERY unhappy with the movie in relation with the books. I did however feel that all the actors did an outstanding job. I really liked Isla Fisher as Bex, she pulled it off very well. Luke I thought was amazing, even though his character was written poorly compared to the real Luke. Suze was okay. I would have prefered a blonde since that is what she is in the book, but oh well. She was cute anyway. Tarquin, well he was cute, but didn't really have much to do in the movie. Becky's Mom, Jane. Now, I love Joan Cusack, I really do. She's outstanding as an actress. However, I do not think she fit the look at ALL for Becky's mom. I really don't. Her acting seemed to be on top and in character, but it just wasn't anything like I pictured Jane. Same for Grahm. John Goodman did outstanding, but he really didn't look the part. Maybe my problem with all of the is the were all AMERICAN!! They are supposed to be British, and the British are not Americans. Duh!
Anyway, I am trying to remain positive. Derek Smeath's character? Didn't like him one bit. He was nothing like the Derek in the book. And what happend to the friendship and respect he ends up getting for her? I really just missed ol' Smeathey. Really ruined the movie there for me too.
For the most part, the rest of the characters were dooable.
The Girl in the Green Scarf. Really, green? Come on, the scarf was blue so why did they have to change the color? Green = Money? Come on, lame-o. Stick with the color blue. Or, like she said in the book: The Girl in the Dooney and Bourke Scarf. Nothing wrong with that on my end.
Also, Shopaholics annonymous?! ?!?! Oh PLEASE! So what if they really have that or not. I just didn't find it funny.
Okay, okay, yes I'm sorry to keep pointing out the negatives.
For those who haven't seen the movie or read the books, you will probably really enjoy this movie. It does have heart and you really care for Bex even though you want to grab the credit card from her and cut it up. She has a big heart.
One of the best lines, and was quoted out of the books: "If the American economy can be billions of dollars in debt and still survive, So can you." Grahm says to Becky.
One day I may be in a mood to say better things about this movie-but I can't really say anymore. I will say this though: you will see me shopping for this movie when it hits DVD...although I may wait til it's under $15.