It's so incredibly hard when I can't seem to find the words to express how I feel. What do you say to someone who has just lost their daughter - a twin none-the-less. No one should have to go through that. And yet it happens as part of life. There is no avoiding it. We try our best to live and that's all we can do. Today I attended the funeral of Cayenne, daughter to one of my best friends Sandie and her husband Donald.
I was honored that they chose the image I took of Cayenne just a little over a year ago for her parents wedding for the funeral. I remember Cayenne running around on "new" legs with two bouquets along with her twin sister Sage. The two girls were so adorable in their matching dresses.
As hard as it is to go over memories, I keep seeing them all in my mind. Cayenne and Sage at the beach for the first time getting soaked and sandy. Crawling around in my office trying to find anything to play with. And I think to myself how horrible it is that such a life had to be cut so short for no reason other than she was born with a heart problem. Aside from the medical issue, that little girl had so much heart to give for such a young age.
And although I'd only had a handful of times with the girls, each one was so very memorable I'll never forget them. My heart goes out to their entire family. Although I don't share the same spiritual views as everyone, I still feel honored to have known Cayenne the times that I did and she will live onin my heart and in those that loved her. The main thing now is she is no longer suffering.
I had originally started on a project to raise money for Sandie to help her stay close to Cayenne while she was in the hospital. That project was too late but will now go towards the family and to the Ronald McDonald charities. If not for that charity, it would have been extremely hard for them to stay close to Cayenne in those months she was in the hospital.